
See the context of this sign.

Emphasis on Education

Three different education facilities existed on this block at the same time.

The Statehouse functioned as a
Presbyterian Mission School for
several years after the Civil War.
Their primary goal was to
eliminate polygamy by educating
the children. The mission school
had minmal affect on polygamy
but educated many children.

The Little Rock Schoolhouse was
completed in 1870 as
Fillmore's first public school.
Even after the school population
outgrew the building it
continëd to be used in some
capacity by the school district
until it became part of the
state park in 1971. It has out
survived several other schools on
the block.

The Old County Courthouse,
which stood on the Southeast
corner of this block was used as
the Millard academy. It was
operated by the Mormon church
and served as the only equivalent
to a high school in the area for
several years.

Utah Territorial Statehouse State Park

State of Utah
National Resources
Division of Parks & Recreation

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