
See the context of this sign.

The Pony Express Trail

"10 Days to San Francisco!"

The development of a central overland mail service between
California and the rest of the nation began soon after the gold
rush. The settlement of Oregon, California, and Utah made rapid
east-west communication essential to the nation. From April 1860
to October 1861, the Pony Express, using a horse and rider relay
system to deliver the mail, became the nation's most direct and
fastest means of communication before the completion of the
transcontinental telegraph.

"It is important that mail facilities, so indispensable for the
diffusion of information...shold be afforded to our citizens
west of the Rocky Mountains."
--U.S. PResident James K. Polk

Weber Station

Along the entire trail, from St. Joseph, Missouri, to
Sacramento, California, "home stations" were established every
40 to 80 miles, providing riders with meals, lodging, and fresh
mounts. "Swing stations" were 8 to 12 miles apart, offering
water and a change of horses.

Russell, Majors, and Waddell, owners of the Central Overland
California & Pike's Peak Express Company, employed James E.
Bromley to establish and operate Weber Station. The station
was located about 5 miles to the southeast, at the mouth of
Echo Canyon. Local residents James and William Hennefer or
Charles and Louisa Richins would have seen young riders
William Page and George Little gallop by on their way to and
from "Bromley's Station."

[Picture captions}

"I bought the horses
in Salt Lake, and
hired many of Utah's
young men to ride
them. Nobly and well
they do their work."
--James E. Bromley

Letter carried by the Pony Express

Don't miss the rest of our virtual tour of Henefer, Utah in 210 images.