
See the context of this sign.

Weber River Crossing
and Campsite

The first known overland travelers to cross the Weber
River, at a point .4-mile directoy in front of this marker,
were the Harlan-Young, Lienhard, and Donner-Reed
parties of 1846. It was at this crossing that Lansford
Hastings left a note telling the Donner-Reed party not to
go through Weber Canyon. As a result of this note, the
Donner-Reed Company blazed the trail from Henefr
Valley to Salt Lake Valley, which the Mormons followed
in 1847 and for the next 22 years.

The Mormon Piioneers Company of 1847 forded the river
here on three different days: Orson Pratt's Advance Party
on July 15, the Main Group on July 19, and Brigham
Young's small group of 15 wagons on July 20. Brigham
Young's small group, which stayed with
him because of his illness, camped
1/4 mile upstream from the

Both sides of the crossing were used as
campsites by pioneers companies, and
some who died were buried there.
Fording the Weber River
was dangerous.
As wagons tried to cross the river, 2 to 4 feet deep and 100
feet wide, many mishaps took place. A ferry or raft, run by
the Mormons, was being used 825 feet above this crossing
as early as 1850. A footbridge was built at the Weber
Crossing in November 1857 by members of the Utah
Militia, and by 1859 a bridge was built that could handle
stage coaches. Horace Greeley called it "the Shaky Pole
Bridge." Forney's Bridge, erected by the U.S. Army in
1858, was located west-southwest of the "Witches Rocks."

Dedicated September 1998

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