
See the context of this sign.

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Before you is a monument that was conceived and created as a tribute to those people who came before us and with courage and hard work made this place called Huntsville.

Since its inception in 1860 Huntsville has been a blessed place to live. The first settlers sowed their crops in this beautiful valley during the early fall of that year and each successive generation has reaped the rewards of their labor and their vision.

From that time of those brave pioneers who began with only their faith in the dream of a new home and the promise that this land held for them, to the era of our own dear parents, the contributions of Huntsville's residents have kept this dream shining. By and throught the selfless efforts of these honorable people who proceded us here, we are surrounded by our heritage and the serenity that is Huntsville.

It is with love, pride, and gratitude that we, the fortunate posterity of these good people and their great legacy, dedicate this statue. They lit our way; they built our home, our Huntsville, our Heaven on Earth. Read their names and remember.

Don't miss the rest of our virtual tour of Huntsville, Utah in 226 images.