Providence Pioneers
This marker honors the first settlers of
Providence, who camped near here earily in May
1859, and those who followed in the years 1860,
1861, 1862. Included in the groups who pioneered
this section were the following families. Alder,
Bowen, Busenbark, Baer, Campbell, Clifford, Clark,
Cranney, Dee, Durfey, Fuhriman, Flemming, Fife,
Gates, Gassman, Greenback, Hafter, Hansen, Harmon,
Hoth, Hug, Hall, Kresie, Lau, Low, Lane, Loosle, Maddison,
Mathews, Naef, Nelson, Poulsen, Rammell, Rice, Stucki,
Sperry, Sueifel, Theurer, Traber, Van Louevan, Williams,
Wright, Zollinger.
No 110
June 7, 1947
Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association